Thursday 5 April 2012

Interesting Recipe?

A Medieval cookbook found by Professor Brian Trump found an interesting recipe while leafing through the old manuscript. One that included a blackbird recipe which seems to have been the source of a nursery rhyme and another, a recipe for unicorns.

I was greatly amused when I found this article that explained exactly how to cook a mythical creature and wondered exactly how the writer of this said cookbook decided to write about such matters. The one thing that greatly amused me was the picture provided on the manuscript itself for how to properly prepare and serve a unicorn.

Now, while I think that this proves the creativity of the cookbook's recipe. One has to wonder how a unicorn would taste and how long it would have to be cooked for? This would be a very interesting recipe back in that day when beliefs in the unicorn and mythology/superstition was very real.

This proves just how interesting history is I think!

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