Tuesday 10 April 2012

Writers Quote

I find that this quote is so true to writers- even those that do not have any published books but write for websites such as fanfiction, fictionpress, and booksie. We write down the ideas because they are valuable to us.

Is this not true to all writers though? An idea is formed and written down; these ideas later on become masterpieces in my opinion. 

Books That I Grew Up With

As a child I loved books. Starting with the first year of Primary when I discovered that despite the pretty and colourful pages of a Winnie the Pooh book that all books have adventures waiting to be discovered within their pages. I absolutely adored the Peter Rabbit books written by Beatrix Potter, there was just something about those books that I loved and it wasn't just the pictures.

Of course growing up I always had my collection of Winnie the Pooh books. I always loved reading about the adventures of Winnie the Pooh and his friends- the pleasure of being taken on the same adventures as the beloved stuffed bear and his friends made them my favourite books and it is these that followed me into adult hood; along with other books that I read in childhood.

When I was five, my father introduced the d'Artagnan romances. A series of books that were written by French author Alexandre Dumas, that follows the life of d'Artagnan as he travels to Paris to find his fortune. He finds three best friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis and finds himself in an adventure throughout the entire series that includes his friends. Of course the Three Musketeers is the title given to his three friends as the first book is about d'Artagnan becoming a musketeer and which he finally achieves with determination, loyalty, and stubborness. Within the d'Artagnan romances there are hidden morals and themes, lots of adventure, a few moments of romance, and of course the brotherly bond that ties the four inseparables together. It is a great series that I grew up with and I still love today!

After the d'Artagnan romances there is a close second of books that I fell in love with as a child and still enjoy to this very day: Harry Potter. I fell in love with this series after reading the first book when I was ten or eleven years of age and found myself hooked with the plot, setting, characters, and the general awesome that JK Rowling created. I followed not only Harry's journey as the book series went through each of Harry's school years at Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry- I also followed Hermione, Ron, George, Fred, Draco, and the other characters that are beloved to everybody. I found myself drawn to the character of Lord Voldemort (or Tom Riddle as he was known before his dark lord days), I wanted to find out more about this evil wizard and got my chance as the series progressed. I found myself interested as I read about Voldemort's accession to power once again and wanted to see a showdown with Harry and Voldemort in the last book. JK Rowling's Harry Potter series are sitting on a shelf in my room, waiting for the day for me to pick them up and read them. Which knowing me, I will do so over and over again.

As for beloved fairy tales? Sure thing! I remember reading the French versions of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Good Mouse, and others that are sadly collecting dust on my shelves. I have carried their memories in my heart every time I watch their film adaptions or think of something I want to write.

Of course there are other books that I grew up with but these are the main ones. I carry the stories I have read as a child in my heart still today in my early adulthood. I also still think of the morals learned and the adventures that I went on with each book I picked up- I feel inspired to write every time I pick up Alexandre Dumas' books or read through my beloved collection of Winnie the Pooh books, La Fontaine's fables, or my Harry Potter books.

The books that I loved to read as a child inspired me to write my own stories and it is these books that I take my examples from while I write them out.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Interesting Recipe?

A Medieval cookbook found by Professor Brian Trump found an interesting recipe while leafing through the old manuscript. One that included a blackbird recipe which seems to have been the source of a nursery rhyme and another, a recipe for unicorns.

I was greatly amused when I found this article that explained exactly how to cook a mythical creature and wondered exactly how the writer of this said cookbook decided to write about such matters. The one thing that greatly amused me was the picture provided on the manuscript itself for how to properly prepare and serve a unicorn.

Now, while I think that this proves the creativity of the cookbook's recipe. One has to wonder how a unicorn would taste and how long it would have to be cooked for? This would be a very interesting recipe back in that day when beliefs in the unicorn and mythology/superstition was very real.


This proves just how interesting history is I think!